It's time (already) to start getting ready for the Conference this summer. We want to equip you with all the necessary tools and discussion space to comfortably participate and organize your delegation before you join us in Rotterdam. The following schedule is designed to do just that:
What is the role of a delegate in the European Scout Conference? How does the voting work? Will I be able to speak in the plenary? What are the things that I should be aware of if I am a delegate at the Conference?
If this is your first Conference or you will be a delegate for the first time, this is the webinar for you!
The Draft RSP lays out the proposed structure and Strategic Priorities for the 2022-2025 Triennium. The session will walk you through the proposed objectives and potential actions of the Regional strategic priorities for the period 2022-2025, as agreed during the 8th European Scout Symposium.
Get introduced and ask questions on the constitutional amendments and draft resolutions proposed by the European Scout Committee and Member Organizations during this workshop to help you prepare for the Conference.
The session will allow you to understand and familiarise yourself with the functionalities of our voting system. We will be testing it together and resolving any issue or question that might occur.
A chance to meet and greet the candidates for the upcoming European Scout Committee. A semi-formal space where the candidates can present themselves and their platforms, as well as for the audience to ask questions, seek clarifications and provide ideas for the future work of the Committee.
All the ‘need-to-know’ information for safe and supported participation in the conference. We will hear about covid measures, how to protect your wellbeing and recap all the compulsory SafeFromHarm information.