Safety and Well-being

Building a Safe Space

We all want the 17th European Guide and Scout Conference to be a safe space for all participants, and it is the responsibility of each and all of us to act according to our values, respecting the Code of Conduct.

The first step to ensuring that the conference is a safe space is being aware of the potential risks, and know how to prevent, avoid and also how to react if unfortunately some undesired situations occur.

For that reason, all participants, volunteers, staff and hosts are required to follow a Safe from Harm module and provide the certificate of completion before entering the Conference.

Find the e-Learning module just below!

Listening Ear Space

 A quiet, safe space in the venue is dedicated to the Listening Ears as well as an open space for people wanting to rest, or have a quiet moment during the conference.  It will be available for joining during conference hours by anyone that needs some conversation or to report any situation. 

The designated room is called Van Wassenaar kamer and is located on the first floor.

Listening Ears

To support the well-being of all participants of the Conference, a group of trained “Listening Ears” will be available during the event. Know them beforehand!

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